Category Archives: Gifts
Vista Capiz-Mosaic Sculpture In Grey Base
Steampunk Bookend Human Poly Sculpture In Antique Gold And Black
Steampunk Bookend Skull Poly Sculpture In Antique Silver
Steampunk Machine Poly Sculpture In Antique Silver
Steampunk Camera Poly Sculpture In Antique Silver
Steampunk Parrot Poly Sculpture In Antique Silver
Steampunk High Heel Poly Sculpture In Antique Silver
Wendy Modern Large Thumbs Up Sign Ceramic Sculpture In Silver

A shiny and funky large ceramic silver hand ornament making the victory sign, perfect for the mantle. Hands down one of our most creative ceramic ornaments, if your looking for a clear victory in gift ware and accessories then look no further than our ceramic hands. Feature: Finish: Silver Material: Ceramic Chrome plated ceramic A
Wendy Modern Large Victory Sign Ceramic Hand Sculpture In Silver

A shiny and funky large ceramic silver hand ornament making the victory sign, perfect for the mantle. Hands down one of our most creative ceramic ornaments, if your looking for a clear victory in gift ware and accessories then look no further than our ceramic hands. Feature: Finish: Silver Material: Ceramic A large ceramic hand
Classic Large Wooden Sailing Boat Hull In Brown
Wendy Modern Large OK Hand Sign Cermamic Sculpture In Silver

A shiny and funky large ceramic silver hand ornament making the OK sign, perfect for the mantle. Hands down one of our most creative ceramic ornaments, if your looking for a gift that is more than just OK then look no further than our ceramic hands. Feature: Finish: Silver Material: Ceramic A funky ceramic hand